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TL;DR: The other DebOps Developer here. SaltStack at work for SUSE SLES
systems. DebOps with Ansible for my private self hosting. I am not leaving
DebOps and therefore also not Ansible for the foreseeable future so you will
have to stick with me :) I don’t regret the learning curve and the commitment
to excellence of DebOps when I joined early 2015.
Can DebOps be done with SaltStack
I at first answered this here but I guess it is better to move it out into an
issue to not make this email even longer.
Tracked in:
Which is why I never want this adventure to end.
Agreed. And let me use that opportunity to thank mainly Maciej for his never
ending great work on DebOps! Not to forget maintaining it which is not to
underestimate work that hardly anybody thanks one for. Thank you!
And, even more important but not as pleasant to discuss, what would
if you were to cease spending time on DebOps due to other priorities or
unforeseen circumstances?
That would mean one DebOps Developer less. But on the good side, I don’t hold
any keys/accesses exclusively that are needed to continue DebOps. But moving
forward, there should be more support for Macjei here.
Do you feel like the project is (heavily) dependent on you?
Not so much currently now that all my work on DebOps is done in my spare time,
and I am thankful for that. I recently turned off email notifications for
GitHub activity which helped me greatly stay focused. Now I have dedicated
(spare) time where I work on my off-work projects.
I try to maintain a few DebOps roles that I really care about. They are mostly
the security, crypto, self-hosting kind of roles like debops.cryptsetup and
debops.etesync for example. Also, I see myself as an independent reviewer of
all of the core code changes and a lot of roles that enter master, for years.
And there is cryptographic proof of it.
Is your involvement causing you any sort of stress?
It is fine. But I cannot take much more responsibility right now due to other
projects I maintain also, other side projects and so on.
Something which would cause me stress is being in real-time chat all the time
like IRC which is why I much prefer structured hands-on discussion in issues
and PR. So you don’t see me in IRC. Sorry for that.
It is *all* automated.
Impressive setup at work, Imre! Also that you can work mostly with FOSS.
Unreleased roles laying around
Writing proper DebOps roles takes time as we have high standards and long
documentation detailing it so I think just put the unfinished roles somewhere
and link them in the issue tracker or as PR. This at least prevents someone
else needing such a role from writing it from scratch and instead improving
the existing role bringing it a bit closer to being DebOps ready.
Also, one thing I would propose is more hands-on code reviews. Instead of
commenting "this thing should be changed", maybe the reviewer can just fix it
themselves if there is no need for discussion (typos or the like) or even
propose changes that need discussions. I hope the learning effect is the same.
If contributors try to exploit this we could stop it on case-by-case basis. I
often do this in the form of checking out a PR hands-on, working on it and
opening a PR against the fork. I do this in the hope of increasing
productivity for everyone involved.
Sponsoring, Foundation
I am also not really eager to take the time for the tax/legal stuff right now.
But I also understand that something like this could help the project move
Making DebOps more widely known
I still want DebOps t-shirts :) Ref:
But I much rather work on technical stuff than do marketing/design. I have the
hope that people who know what they want will find DebOps on their own. I
guess that is how I got involved. But I know of course that this is wishful
> I like you Maciej, but I don't want to put you in our
> production VLAN just yet
You forgot - I'm already there.
Very true :)
online meetup
2020-07-15T18:00Z works for me and I will try to make it. I would also propose
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Live long and prosper
Robin `ypid` Schneider --