First email. I've been using debops for a few months now. Great tool,
thanks for it.
I have found what I think might be a problem with the newer version of
Error I get from syslog is:
Aug 28 12:19:24 ajax rsyslogd: error: peer name not authorized - not
permitted to talk to it. Names: DNSname:
internal.org; DNSname:
*.internal.org; CN:
sirius.i.internal.org; [v8.32.0 try
http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2088 ]
I had thought (and still think) the issue is the certificate that I am
being kludgy about (the sending host is
ajax.internal.org sending to
sirius.i.internal.org through a NAT, and I was thinking that since
ajax can not lookup the
i.internal.org domain, it was some GNU TLS
check that was failing.
After playing around and reading, I found
rsyslog__send_permitted_peers, but in the code I see it declared but
it never ends up in the config file. Also, the documentation states:
rsyslog__send_permitted_peers: '{{ rsyslog__permitted_peers }}'. BUT,
while for the receiver (in remote.input) permittedPeer can be an
array, for the sender, ( in 00-forward-logs.conf) the directive is
streamDriverPermittedPeers and has to be a string. (at least I think
that is what the ryslsog documentation says)
I modified debops/ansible/roles/rsyslog/defaults/main.yml as seen in
the diff below to get rsyslog__send_permitted_peers in the forward file.
I'll cut and paste a diff below. Has anyone else had this problem, or
am I wrong that this is an issue?
< {% if rsyslog__send_permitted_peers is string %}
< streamDriverPermittedPeers="{{
rsyslog__send_permitted_peers }}"
< {% endif %}