On Jun 27, Nicolas Quiniou-Briand wrote:
>To check if you can access libvirt from your user account, you can
> virsh -c qemu:///system sysinfo
It failed:
gitlab-runner@ci:~$ id
uid=998(gitlab-runner) gid=995(gitlab-runner)
gitlab-runner@ci:~$ virsh -c qemu:///system sysinfo
** (process:13177): CRITICAL **: polkit_unix_process_set_property: assertion
'val != -1' failed
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.libvirt.unix.manage ===
System policy prevents management of local virtualized systems
Authenticating as: Debian (debian)
Did you configure libvirt service with debops.libvirtd? By default the
'auth_unix_rw' in the /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf config file is disabled which
should result in 'none', which should disable PolicyKit. Unless the default
changed in Stretch, I haven't checked, or polkit is enabled with PolicyKit is
present on the host.
Running with sudo will ask a password.
That's correct, since gitlab-runner user does not get any special sudo
configuration apart from running chmod on image files to allow creation of
vagrant boxes.
I try to use a Polkit rule [0] with the `libvirtd` group without
This rule is written in JavaScript, which is supported in polkit1. Debian
Stretch still uses polkit 0.105 which uses the older syntax. I was hesitant
about supporting PolicyKit in DebOps before because I hoped that Debian would
switch to the newer version that uses JavaScript rules, but since it will not
happen for at least 2 years (Buster comes with 0.105 version as well), I think
that we can just commit to the old version.
According to [1], if I create following file under
[Allow gitlab-runner libvirt management permissions]
then restart `polkit` and `libvirtd`, I'm able to run `virsh -c
qemu:///system sysinfo` as gitlab-runner user without password.
Hmm, do you have to restart libvirtd service as well? Can you check if only
a restart (or better yet reload) of polkit service works?
Maciej, I supposed you don't use Polkit on your CI
No my GitLab Runner host I only see these packages:
drybjed:root@node07 /var/local/drybjed/ # dpkg -l | grep polkit
ii libpolkit-agent-1-0:amd64 0.105-18+deb9u1 amd64
PolicyKit Authentication Agent API
ii libpolkit-backend-1-0:amd64 0.105-18+deb9u1 amd64
PolicyKit backend API
ii libpolkit-gobject-1-0:amd64 0.105-18+deb9u1 amd64
PolicyKit Authorization API
drybjed:root@node07 /var/local/drybjed/ # dpkg -l | grep policykit
ii policykit-1 0.105-18+deb9u1 amd64
framework for managing administrative policies and privileges
It would be interesting to reproduce your issue first. Can you tell me more
about your environment? Is that Debian Stretch? Can you check the parameters
'auth_unix_rw' and 'auth_unix_ro' in /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf to see if
are active and their value?
1. Which configuration do you use ?
I'm using the defaults set up by DebOps, with roles ifupdown, libvirtd,
libvirtd_qemu, gitlab_runner. Not much changes via the inventory. It would be
interesting to find what are the differences between your environment and
2. According to [1], I supposed libvirtd comes with PolKit support in
Stretch. IMO, we should adapt debops.libvirtd defaults to have a ready to
use setup with a gitlab-runner.
Sure, it might be useful to expand the 'debops.libvirtd' a bit to handle more
authentication schemes. Adding PolicyKit support first sounds like a good
idea, although I think that the specific configuration file should be added by
the 'debops.gitlab_runner' role so that it is active when GitLab Runner is set
up on that host.