Hi all,
I want to enable ip forwarding (ipv4/ipv6) for one host. I thought it
should be enough to set
sysctl__system_ip_forwarding_enabled: True
But it doesn't work.
I have to set instead:
value: 1
comment: |
enable IPv4 traffic forwarding.
If I understand correctly, it's enabled/disabled through this rule in
the debops.sysctl role:
value: 0
comment: |
Disable IPv4 traffic forwarding.
state: '{{ sysctl__system_ip_forwarding_enabled|bool |
ternary("absent", "present") }}'
value: 0
comment: 'Disable IPv6 traffic forwarding.'
state: '{{ sysctl__system_ip_forwarding_enabled|bool |
ternary("absent", "present") }}'
What do I wrong?
What I realized: I do not set
sysctl__system_ip_forwarding_enabled: True
at all, there is an entry:
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
set. If I don't set it there is no entry generated at all - which means
the default (on debian) is active which means "0".
Thanks and regards