Thank you.
In terms of improvement, I am still slowly moving things over to
debops. I've actually you folks to thank for a number of new things I
had not used before like LibreNMS (I was a cacti guy before),
etckeeper, molly-guard, etc. All are quite nifty and I am still
playing with them. At the moment, I've gained more than I can
complain about, in fact I still want to try getting my apache,
postfix, libvirt and docker environments moved over, but that will
take me a little time.
In terms of things I would could also make use for, a small list:
1) ISC BIND: Both named.conf and zones. None of the major Ansible
playbooks are functional enough. For example, I need allow-query at
the zone level, but have not been able to find a playbook that support
that. Controlling zone data would also be nice too.
2) ACME certificates (Let's encrypt) but with validation using the
dns-01 method, not the web method. If the #1 above is done, could be
integrated with this.
The above said, again, really pleased and impressed with debops.