Imre Jonk invited you to »Re: Video call 2020-07-15«

When: Wed, 15 Jul 2020, 18:00 - 18:30 ()

Description: On Thu, 2020-07-09 at 20:15 +0200, Imre Jonk wrote:
> There will be a video conference call next wednesday the 15th of July
> at 18:00 *UTC*. It will be just a short meeting (allow ~30 minutes,
> although there is no hard time limit) to allow everyone to introduce
> themselves as well as sharing how you use DebOps and what you would
> like to improve. We will use Jitsi Meet for this. Please let me know
> (either on- or off-list) if you want to join, I'll send things like
> the URL and password off-list a few hours before the meeting.
So far joining:
- Maciej
- Robin
- Tasos (phone/spectating)
- Alin
- hvjunk
- Pinguin
- Imre (that's me)
I'm not sure if Nicolas wants to join, I'll send him the Jitsi Meet details just in case. Expect receiving the URL and password a few hours in advance of the meeting, which starts Wednesday at 18:00 UTC.
If I'm missing someone, let me know.