On Feb 04, Jan Kowalsky wrote:
the role debops.netbase gives me the follwoing error:
TASK [debops.netbase : Manage entries in /etc/hosts]
task path:
fatal: [
test.example.org]: FAILED! => {"msg": "template error while
templating string: no filter named 'parse_kv_config'. String: {{
netbase__combined_hosts | parse_kv_config }}"}
The 'parse_kv_config' filter is included in the 'debops.ansible_plugins'
which is a hard dependency of the 'debops.netbase' role. Perhaps you have
a 'debops.ansible_plugins' role somewhere else that overrides the one in the
DebOps repository? Chech the 'roles/' and 'ansible/roles/' directories in
DebOps project directory.