On kwi 01, Jan Kowalsky wrote:
> of the credentials - probably creating a separate "admin
> would be
> best, so that your own credentials are not put somewhere easily
> accessible.
but the creds of the ansible user are still stored in pass and they are
only tranfered temporarily to the controller for this operation. Aren't
I wasn't sure. But if it works as you say it does, great!
What I don't understand: with which credentials the ansible
then connects to the slapd server?
The credentials are defined in these variables[1]. By default this will result
in `uid=<local UNIX account>,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org` Distinguished Name.
This can be overridden, either through Ansible inventory, or through a set of
environment variables on the Ansible Controller. This way you can share the
DebOps project directory between multiple people and each person will use
their own credentials, stored in their own `pass` password store, which lives
outside of the DebOps project directory.
We have this task:
TASK [ldap : Remove the default cn=admin object]
this removes the cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org object from DIT. But I can
still connect with the cn=admin user? And debops tasks are executed
also with this user.
The LDAP directory credentials are stored in the olcRootDN and olcRootPW
attributes in the `cn=config` database. The `cn=admin` object created during
installation by the postinstall script is not needed for authentication, and
it may cause confusion if you don't synchronize the passwords if they change.
> Check the "LDAP administrative access" section in the
'ldap' role defaults,
> and the corresponding documentation for more details. Let me know if you
> managed to handle this.
Let's say: I begin to understand more and more.
What I don't understand: what is the idea to administer accounts in
ldap directory with debops?
If it's more than a couple of accounts I would say skip the YAML and go with
LDIF instead. The LDAP tasks that create the entries are almost LDIF-like when
they are written in YAML, and if you do it via Ansible it will be infinitely
slower than with a `slapadd` import. Ansible needs to do a round-trip to
execute a new Python script for each LDAP task ann this takes longer and
longer the more accounts you want to manage.
Go old school - if you have a user database already, generate LDIFs for the
entries and import them. Or if you want to handle updates frequently, write
a script that imports the data from your user database to LDAP directory. It
will be much faster than going with this via Ansible.
I found the ldap__tasks but don't do anything, e.g.:
- name: 'create test user'
#dn: 'uid=dtuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org'
dn: '{{ [ "uid=" + "dtuser", ldap__people_rdn ] +
ldap__base_dn }}'
objectClass: [ 'inetOrgPerson' ]
cn: 'Debops Test User'
sn: 'User'
givenName: 'Debops'
uid: 'dtuser'
userPassword: 'secret'
What do I have to do to perform this in debops? Or isn't this the idea
behind ldap__tasks?
Yes, you can use the ldap__*_tasks variables to manage LDAP entries. You can
define them in the inventory and run the 'debops service/ldap' playbook
against the OpenLDAP hosts to apply the changes.
Can we use this for just adding entries to the directory without
enable ldap
(ldap__enabled: False).
No, this variable activates or deactivates the entire 'ldap' directory - it's
needed since that role is still included in the 'common' playbook and can be
used on non-LDAP enabled hosts this way.
You can write a normal Ansible playbook that uses the 'ldap_entry' and
'ldap_attrs' Ansible modules to manage LDAP entries. There's no need to
involve the DebOps 'ldap' role for this.
Actually my plan is to use fusiondirectory for handling posix and
samba3 (nt-style) accounts. I found
sues/1341 - and I get fusiondirectory basically working.
But I get error on inserting posix users with "Constraint violation
(some attributes not unique, ". Maybe because
The same problem occurs when I just try to add a posix user with
gidNumber and a group with same gidNumber manually via ldifs.
Did you ever got errors like this?
The default LDAP schema in DebOps is the 'rfc2307bis' schema[2]. It changes
a few things, namely makes the posixGroup object clas an AUXILLIARY class,
which lets you apply it to existing objects. You can then create an
inetOrgPerson object with posixGroup class and define gidNumber in a single
object - that's how DebOps handles User Private Groups in LDAP[3].
As for th constraint violation - gidNumber uniqueness is enfoced globally by
the 'slapd' role[4] to avoid collisions and accidental security issues. If you
want to create a new user with unique UID and GID number, it's best to reserve
one via special LDAP objects prepared just for that[5], similar to how
FusionDirectory does it.
I hope that the explanations helped. :-)