Hi Maciej,

thanks for your answer.
It should work with the prosody package from Debian Stretch. Not sure about
the service itself though, I just tried the role to see if the service is
configured, haven't deployed any XMPP service in production yet.

Anybody else using the debops.prosody role in production?

- Is debops.prosody integrated with debops.pki and esp. the ACME support?
Yes, the role is integrated with debops.pki. For the ACME support, you will
have to install the nginx via debops.nginx role; you could use the webserver
to redirect users to the main page if you don't plan to set up anything else
on that host besides the XMPP server.

I don't know prosody well, and probably I still do not understand debops acme-support, but for me it looks like the service if configures partially only.

My configuration is straight forward:

prosody__domain: im.my-ngo.org
  - name: my-ngo.org
    enabled: true
    pki_realm: host

Also some bugs

Any hints? Shall I file some bug-reports?

Hartmut Goebel

| Hartmut Goebel          | h.goebel@crazy-compilers.com               |
| www.crazy-compilers.com | compilers which you thought are impossible |