On mar 29, listerin wrote:
hi everyone,
Hello, listerin. :-)
often, when researching / debugging debops specifics, I am confronted
my inability to immediately grasp a certain role's importance in the larger
picture. E.g. right now I am redesigning my inital debops lab to correctly
implement LDAP. Before I did this, I redesigned it so I could have all new
machines directly provisioned by pxe/tftpd/preseed. I mean, for me that's
half the fun, debops has already taught me so much of how a datacenter works
internally, things, I couldn't even imagine only half a year ago. Still,
it's a hard learning curve.
Keep in mind that DebOps and Ansible are just a set of tools that provide
abstraction to the underlying Linux ecosystem. Since you wrote that you are
starting with system administration, I'm curious - did you try managing a host
or two by hand, without any automation? I don't mean setting up Linux From
Scratch here, of course, but say, installation of a basic Debian Stable on
a host without any desktop environment, just SSH. After that you can try
setting up various services on it.
Knowing how Linux, and subsequently Debian Linux (different distributions do
things differently) can be really helpful in understanding why certain DebOps
roles exist and how they are intertwined together. If you want to have some
help during the initial steps, Debian Handbook[1] is an excellent resource
that explains the installation process and configuration of various services.
Another good resource that could help you learn about data centers in general
is the Infrastructures.org[2] website, especially its Checklist[3] section. It
describes how to set up an old-school data center, especially defines
a correct order of services to focus on. It was written about 20 years ago so
specific tools are probably outdated by now, but general concepts about order
of things and the services you should provide in a data center are still
The last resource I would like to point out is the Ops School[4]. It's
a modern take on a data center design, written by the community. Some of the
sections are still empty, but hopefully it will be expanded over time, perhaps
even with help of the DebOps community.
As said, I'm rather new in all of this sysadmin stuff. Seeing
example code
of how other people use debops in more fleshed out environment would really
interest me.
As for examples specific to DebOps itself, it's probably a bit outdated now,
but 'debops/examples'[5] repository on GitHub contains a few working examples.
There are plans to integrate this better with DebOps documentation, perhaps
integrating these examples with the DebOps Vagrant setup could be useful.
A few people published their DebOps-based projects on GitHub, you can check
these out for inspiration. DebOps-WordPress[6] was one of the first such
projects. Erethon's repository[7] contains more examples and extra roles he
wrote that integrate with the project. There's also trustroots[8],
freephile[9], russel's[10], Turnkey[11] and tonin's[12] repositories which
contain DebOps project directories used to setup various infrastructures.
I hope to gain answers to questions like
- How and especially in which order do you bootstrap/provision a completely
new environment? (e.g. on a hypervisor or a cloud provider)
With a completely new environment, I would try and find all the quirks the
provider has - do the hosts have the proper DNS PTR records available, are
'ansible_hostname' and 'ansible_fqdn' variables resolved properly, and so
When you have the bootstrap.yml playbook working as expected, it's all pretty
easy from there. I usually apply the common.yml playbook first and then
inspect the host to see if basics are set up correctly - PKI realms, firewall,
expected UNIX groups and user accounts. Afterwards, it all depends on the
purpose of a given host.
- How are the roles separated onto different hosts? provisioning
network design, security zones, etc.
It all depends on the available resources. Do you have access to a single
beefy hardware machine? Just cram everything in there, most DebOps roles are
designed in such a way that there shouldn't be conflicts. If you can set up as
many VMs or containers as you want, then it might be a good idea to separate
different applications into different hosts, or even create multiple instances
of a given application with proper redundancy. Some roles like slapd are
designed with this kind of operation in mind, check their documentation.
The 'site.yml' DebOps playbook has the order of various roles designed pretty
well, from setting up basic host services like firewall, SSH, networking, then
further to various databases and backend services, finishing on end-user
applications like GitLab and Nextcloud. If you plan to write your own roles
to deploy applications, it's a good practice to check the playbooks of similar
software stack included in DebOps to see what might be needed for your
software deployment.
- How to work with jump hosts and ansible controllers?
The SSH protocol is pretty versatile here. You can set up a basic bastion
host with only DebOps 'common.yml' playbook, and open up SSH connection to the
entire world (just use the SSH keys for authentication, make sure that
password authentication is disabled). The rest of the infrastructure can have
SSH disabled from the outside via firewalling.
In ~/.ssh/config file you can define that connections to hosts on a particular
domain should go though the bastion host:
Host *.example.org !bastion.example.org
ProxyCommand ssh
bastion.example.org nc %h %p
And in the ansible inventory, just define the hosts as normal:
As long as your Ansible Controler and bastion host can resolve the DNS records
of the hosts you use correctly, SSH should connect via the bastion. After
that, it's all transparent.
- Do you include other tools? (e.g. terraform)
At the moment I don't use Terraform or similar tools to provision the
uderlying hosts, I don't have a development environment to try that yet. In
the future I would like to add support for OpenNebula to DebOps. OpenNebula
provides an AWS-like API which could then be utilized by Terraform to set up
VMs. But it will take some time to do this properly. Stay tuned.
- How do you handle secrets?
Secrets are handled by the 'debops.secret' role with either EncFS or git-crypt
to provide encryption at rest. Of course it's best if you use that on top of
an encrypted filesystem to not leave traces on the hardware, and don't publish
repositories with secrets on public websites like GitHub to minimize exposure.
And my initial question, which I have spent the evening pondering on:
how do
I solve the problems of order? right now I want an ldap-joined ansible
controller, whose debian is preseeded by a PXE-Server, of course provisioned
by that same ansible controller :-)
It's a chicken-and-egg problem you won't solve in one step. I would start by
provisioning the initial host via Debian-Installer, on which you can install
the DHCP/DNS/PXE services (for example with dnsmasq). Using it, you can
install and configure two LDAP hosts in a cluster that will provide the
directory services to the rest of the cluster. You can bootstrap then with the
'bootstrap-ldap.yml' playbook if you wish, just skip the 'ldap' tasks
debops bootstrap-ldap -l host -u root --skip-tags
debops common service/slapd -l host -u root --skip-tags
This will let you provision the host when LDAP directory is not available yet.
Other roles are skipped because at this stage they might cause issues due to
lack of LDAP connections.
After host is set up with the slapd role, you can create the initial admin
account with the 'ldap/init-directory.yml' playbook. When you make sure that
you can connect to the directory with a client, for example Apache Directory
Studio, you can then re-bootstrap the LDAP hosts with all the services:
debops bootstrap-ldap -l host -u root
The roles should now create the apropriate LDAP objects in the directory and
configure the hosts to use the directory for UNIX accounts and groups. From
there, you can deploy new hosts using 'bootstrap-ldap.yml' playbook as usual.
Since your initial DHCP/DNS/PXE host was deployed without LDAP support, you
should create a new one with LDAP support enabled, and decomission the old
one. Or you can set it up initially with LDAP tasks skipped and then
re-bootstrap it the same way as the LDAP hosts.
tl;dr: I'd be really glad if somebody wants to share some of
their projects
or point me to ressources that discuss more "meta" questions of provisioning
like the ones above.
thanks for debops, it's become my new favorite hobby
Over the years developing DebOps and helping people debug issues in their
infrastructure I can say that each person's environment is different. It all
depends on the purpose of the infrastructure - web applications will have
different requirements than a HPC cluster, which will have different
requirements than a backup storage array. The recent trend of going into the
Cloud can cover probably 70%-80% of common use cases pretty easily, especially
when you just get perpared VMs for your applications akin to Heroku. But
handling your own infrastructure properly from the ground up is still a skill
which you acquire over years of practice. So don't get discouraged if you
stumble on a roadblock - everything can be either fixed or redesigned if
If you have any more questions, let us know.