Hi all,
ok, I understood. I just oversee that custom configs ends up in
and there overwrite the configs in config.php.
It's so easy and explained here:
Maybe it helps someone else.
Am 04.02.21 um 23:56 schrieb Jan Kowalsky:
> I should have said, I put something like
> owncloud__config:
> trusted_proxies: "::ffff:xx.xx.xx.xx"
> to my group config.
> Am 04.02.21 um 23:54 schrieb Jan Kowalsky:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm wondering if it's possible to change the debops generated config
>> (config.php) for nextcloud after setup a nextcloud.
>> While this works for me for the mail.config.php it doesn't for config.php.
>> debops service/owncloud --tags role::owncloud:config --diff
>> show's me the diff but does nothing. If I omit the --tags it does
>> neigher anything.
>> debops service/owncloud --tags role::owncloud:mail --diff
>> show's me the diff and installs the new config.
>> What's the recommanded way? Or what do I misssing?
>> Thanks and regards
>> Jan