On lut 17, Demetri A. Mkobaranov wrote:
I tried but I checked the log file and I don't see my own custom
role being
I made some attempts, none successful and currently I've this:
I've copied the content of debops site.yml in my ansible/playbooks/site.yml,
then I've added my custom roles like this
- import_playbook: app.yml
# Custom roles
- include: mattermost_mariadb.yml
- include: mattermost.yml
You need to use 'import_playbook' instead of 'include' for the playbook:
- import_playbook: 'app.yml'
- import_playbook: 'mattermost.yml'
If I run "debops service/mattermost -l media" it works. If
I run "debops -l
media" it doesn't.
You can also run the main DebOps playbook and "chain" your custom playbooks
after it, for example:
debops site service/mattermost -l media
With this you don't need to mess with a custom 'site.yml' playbook. If you
want to be able to easily execute such chained playbook(s), you can write
a wrapper script.