[debops-users] Modify Postfix' smtpd_helo_restrictions
by Alexander Mette
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to remove some of the smtpd_helo_restrictions from Postfix'
main.cf. I thought this was working previously, but I fear it never did.
I tried the following without any luck:
- name: 'smtpd_helo_restrictions'
- name: 'reject_unknown_helo_hostname'
state: 'absent'
=> Doesn't change anything.
- name: 'smtpd_helo_restrictions'
- name: 'reject_unknown_helo_hostname'
state: 'comment'
=> Comments out the whole smtpd_help_restrictions block.
I want to get rid only of the "reject_unknown_helo_hostname". The other
smtpd_helo_restrictions should stay. What am I doing wrong?
5 years, 10 months
[debops-users] using custom templates - nginx anonymize logs
by Jan Kowalsky
Hi all,
hi Maciej,
since it would be nice (not only to accord to data privacy law) to
anonymizie ip addressses in nginx logfiles I tried to achieve this with
existent debops roles. My approach is to log via syslog together wit
mmanon module.
As far as I found out - this doesn't work out of the box, because the
default.conf.j2 template already has a access_log line which is composed
with static log path root "/" and suffix .log:
access_log {{ (item.log_path | d(nginx_log_path)) + '/' +
item.access_log | d(item.filename | d(item.name if item.name is string
else item.name[0]) + '_access') }}.log{{ nginx_tpl_access_log_format }};
As far as I understood, this is not optional and configurable.
So I wrote a new template where I replaced these lines with:
access_log {{ item.syslog_access }};
error_log {{ item.syslog_error }};
and i can have in my config something like:
- name
syslog_access: "syslog:server=unix:/dev/log,tag=nginx_access"
syslog_error: "syslog:server=unix:/dev/log,tag=nginx_error"
Is it possible to store this template somwere in my project directory
instead of debops repository?
By the way: maybe it's worth to extend the default template with the
possibility to log to syslog instead of files?
Best regards
5 years, 11 months
[debops-users] failed to import docker
by russell sherman
i'm having an issue with my debops project..
i went to provision a new host today and i'm getting this error when any of
my roles call docker_image tasks..
fatal: [venue419.mgmt.union.up]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg":
"Failed to import docker or docker-py - No module named
requests.exceptions. Try `pip install docker` or `pip install docker-py`
(Python 2.6)"}
none of my existing hosts experience this error.. just the newest one..
any suggestions around how to resolve this?
5 years, 11 months
[debops-users] nextcloud error
by Jan Kowalsky
Hi all,
trying to set up nextcloud with actual debops (0.8.1) I get an error
during run_occ.yml.
Responsible seems to be in setup_owncloud.yml
- name: Get current ownCloud configuration via occ config:list
include: 'run_occ.yml'
loop_var: 'owncloud__occ_item'
tags: [ 'role::owncloud:occ_config' ]
when: (owncloud__apps_config_combined is mapping and
owncloud__apps_config_combined.keys() | length)
- command: 'config:list'
get_output: True
But nextcloud (15) doesn't have an command "config". The whole error
output is (when no_log is set to False):
[WARNING]: Unable to use /var/www/.ansible/tmp as temporary directory,
failing back to system: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/www/.ansible'
fatal: [nextcloud.example.org]: FAILED! => {
"changed": false,
"cmd": [
"delta": "0:00:00.180020",
"end": "2019-03-18 22:14:32.564783",
"failed_when_result": true,
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"_raw_params": "php --file \"/srv/www/nextcloud/occ\"
config:list --output=json_pretty",
"_uses_shell": false,
"argv": null,
"chdir": null,
"creates": null,
"executable": null,
"removes": null,
"stdin": null,
"warn": true
"msg": "non-zero return code",
"rc": 1,
"start": "2019-03-18 22:14:32.384763",
"stderr": "\n
\n There are no commands defined in the \"config\" namespace. \n
"stderr_lines": [
" ",
" There are no commands defined in the \"config\" namespace. ",
" "
"stdout": "Nextcloud is not installed - only a limited number of
commands are available",
"stdout_lines": [
"Nextcloud is not installed - only a limited number of commands
are available"
Any idea?
5 years, 11 months