[debops-users] New mailing list server
by Maciej Delmanowski
Hello everyone,
I just imported the archives from the old DebOps mailing list located on
https://groups.io/g/debops to the project's own mailing list server. It's
currently running on Debian Wheezy, and managed entirely using DebOps, with
'debops.mailman' role.
I'm not sure if I should subscribe everyone from the old mailing list to the
new one, or let people subscribe themselves as they see fit. Probably the
latter option is better. There will be a notice on the old mailing list about
the new one.
For now, the 'debops-users' mailing list is meant to be for general discussion
about the project. I'll try to be better at this and write more, since using
e-mail messages in lieu of IRC chat is better for people not constantly on
IRC... Anyway, there's an option to create additional mailing lists as the
need arises.
That's it for now,
8 years, 11 months