Hello everyone,
Due to the discussion in another thread about switching from nginx to Caddy as
the webserver[1], I'd like to pick your brains about dealing with shared but
interchangeable resources in DebOps.
Currently, infrastructure managed by DebOps is defined in separate Ansible
playbooks, each playbook uses one or multiple Ansible roles. Some of these
roles manage resources (services, files, configuration, etc.) that are
singular in nature - there's only one set of APT preferences available to be
configured, or one PostgreSQL database service, and so on. There's no need to
think aboout alternatives for these.
One the other end, there are usually application roles like gitlab, netbox,
basically any higher-level application that rely on the lower level Ansible
roles to configure other services for them, like firewall, web server, and so
on. In most cases these application roles/playbooks are not enabled by default
so users can mix and match them in their infrastructure at will, and there's
no need to worry about shared interface for them.
But in the middle between these two extremes, there's a set of services that
can be shared between different applications and are provided in Debian with
alternatives which influence the user preference for them. Some examples
- webserver (nginx, apache2, caddy)
- firewall (ferm, firewalld, ufw)
- SMTP server (nullmailer, postfix, dma)
- NTP server (openntpd, chrony, timesyncd)
Due to how DebOps codebase is designed and restrictions around it (read only
roles and playbooks), it is hard to come up with a good method of handling
these services via Ansible. Over the years, we found different strategies of
dealing with them in the project:
1. Create a role that manages a service and can support alternative
applications to do so. This is most prominently used in the 'ntp' role,
which supports installation of different NTP servers chosen by the user.
It's a reasonable method of encapsulation for this kind of problem, but it
makes the role much more complicated that it needs to be, and is not
sustainable with more complex services like webservers.
2. Create two or more alternative playbooks which use alternative services,
each playbook is activated by its own Ansible inventory group. This
happened with the 'owncloud' role and its possibility to use either
or 'apache2' as the webserver frontend. This method moves the problem from
the role level all the way to the actual hosts themselves - if somebody
wants to install Nextcloud with Apache2 as the frontend for some reason,
they cannot use the same host to configure another application that only
knows how to integrate with 'nginx', say NetBox, because the Nextcloud
installation will be broken in the process.
This solution is also not really scalable - if we go one level down, we get
the firewall role (ferm) which is used by dozens of other roles. If we add
an alternatve 'firewalld' role (which I would like to do at some point),
each service that relies on 'ferm' would have two or more alternative
playbooks. In an extreme scenario, DebOps could provide users with multiple
sets of 'site.yml' playbook trees to choose from, but with each choice the
number of those sets would increase exponentially (firewall * webserver,
for example).
These are two extremes we came up so far, so I suspect that the answer might
be somewhere in the middle. A possible solution I came up with is a concept of
a "wrapper role" which moves the complexity for managing multiple services in
a single role onto itself by importing selected service role during Ansible
execution. This solution has interesting properties and drawbacks, but let's
start with an example.
Below you can find a description of the 'firewall' role. It lets us switch
between 'ferm' and 'firewalld' services on the playbook level without the
to modify existing playbooks:
# ansible/roles/firewall/defaults/main.yml
firewall__enabled: True
firewall__service: 'ferm' # alt: firewalld
firewall__ferm__dependent_rules: []
firewall__firewalld__dependent_rules: []
# ansible/roles/firewall/tasks/main.yml
- name: Manage the firewall service
name: '{{ firewall__service }}'
- 'role::{{ firewall__service }}'
- 'skip::{{ firewall__service }}'
ferm__dependent_rules: '{{ firewall__ferm__dependent_rules }}'
firewalld__dependent_rules: '{{ firewall__firewalld__dependent_rules }}'
when: firewall__enabled|bool
# ansible/playbooks/service/firewall.yml
- name: Manage the host firewall
hosts: [ 'debops_all_hosts', 'debops_service_firewall' ]
become: True
- role: firewall
tags: [ 'role::firewall', 'skip::firewall' ]
With this setup, the complexity is moved "in the middle", into a separate role
which then imports the desired final service role. The problem comes with
selecting the actual service role - this cannot be done on the Ansible
inventory level. The 'import_role' tasks are processed by Ansible before the
inventory is even touched, so only the default value ('ferm') would have any
effect on the 'import_role' task. But even if we could define that on the
inventory level, Ansible would want to run two competing roles on different
hosts at the same time. It cannot do that though, and will select the first
service role that it knows about (ferm) and run it on all hosts.
However, this can be solved by the use of the '--extra-vars' Ansible option.
If we specify the 'firewall__service' variable on the command line, we can
override it during Ansible execution and change the default 'ferm' role to
'firewalld'. With this in mind, I added the support for global variables in
previous release of DebOps[2].
Users can deal with use of different firewall services on different hosts by
creating separate inventories for different sets of hosts and selecting
different firewall services per inventory. With that in mind, I want to add
support for multiple Ansible inventories in a DebOps project directory with
shared resources like PKI infrastructure to faciliate easier environment
Other roles that depend on the hypothetical 'firewall' role would just add it
in their playbooks as normal and pass the '*__dependent_rules' variables to it
with the desired configuration. As long as the dependent configuration does
not involve variables from the role defaults and/or is properly wrapped in
default([]) constructs, there shouldn't be any issues with this usage.
This becomes a bit more complex when we consider other such "wrapper role"
that might require dependencies on our "firewall" role. For example, the
'ntp' role would become a wrapper role for 'openntpd', 'chrony',
'timesyncd' roles, some of which require firewall configuration, and some not.
How can we deal with this? By multiple role imports, of course. Below is an
example rewritten 'ntp' role that supports different NTP servers, some
defining their own firewall rules:
# ansible/roles/ntp/defaults/main.yml
ntp__service: 'openntpd' # alt: chrony, timesyncd, ntpdate
ntp__deploy_state: 'present'
- '{{ openntpd__ferm__dependent_rules | d([]) }}'
- '{{ chrony__ferm__dependent_rules | d([]) }}'
- '{{ openntpd__firewalld__dependent_rules | d([]) }}'
- '{{ chrony__firewalld__dependent_rules | d([]) }}'
# ansible/roles/ntp/tasks/main.yml
- name: Run the firewall role
name: 'firewall'
- '{{ ntp__ferm__dependent_rules }}'
- '{{ ntp__firewalld__dependent_rules }}'
- 'role::firewall'
- 'skip::firewall'
when: ntp__service in [ 'openntpd', 'chrony' ]
- name: Run the service role
name: '{{ ntp__service }}'
- 'role::{{ ntp__service }}'
- 'skip::{{ ntp__service }}'
openntpd__deploy_state: '{{ ntp__deploy_state }}'
chrony__deploy_state: '{{ ntp__deploy_state }}'
timesyncd__deploy_state: '{{ ntp__deploy_state }}'
ntpdate__deploy_state: '{{ ntp__deploy_state }}'
# ansible/playbooks/service/ntp.yml
- name: Manage the NTP service
hosts: [ 'debops_all_hosts', 'debops_service_ntp' ]
become: True
- role: ntp
tags: [ 'role::ntp', 'skip::ntp' ]
As you can see, the complexity is removed from the playbook level and
encapsulated in the intermediate "wrapper" role. The final service roles can
focus on their own services without the need to concern themselves with the
alternatives, as long as they provide the required variables for 'ferm' and
'firewalld' roles to consume. Initial deployment doesn't change from the
current DebOps standards, but switching between different alternatives
involves 3-step process. For example to switch from the default 'openntpd'
service after it has been deployed, users have to:
- run the playbook with 'ntp__deploy_state=absent' to remove openntpd and any
dependent configuration such as that in the firewall
- set the 'ntp__service=chrony' in the 'global-vars.yml' file.
- run the playbook again, to apply the new service configuration
Now, the thought in everyone's minds probably is "this is too complex".
I agree with you all. But in actuality, the complexity stays the same, we are
just moving it around and concentrating everything from "both sides": we merge
the two playbooks together, and on the other side, we move the selection of
what service to use from the service role into a separate 'wrapper role" which
needs to be aware of all the possible choices to work correctly. Since all
that complexity is now concentrated in one spot, that's why it looks to be
bigger than it actually is.
In fact, the final service roles, and the firewall roles, can be used just
fine without the wrapper roles when we define a playbook for each combination
separately. For example, 'ferm' firewall with 'chrony' NTP server:
# ansible/playbooks/service/ferm-chrony.yml
- name: Manage the chrony service with ferm firewall
hosts: [ 'debops_service_chrony_ferm' ]
become: True
- role: ferm
tags: [ 'role::ferm', 'skip::ferm' ]
- '{{ chrony__ferm__dependent_rules }}'
- role: chrony
tags: [ 'role::chrony', 'skip::chrony' ]
And we're back to the current state of the art.
The actual implementation of all this would take some time. The 'ntp' role
would have to be split, but we have most of the code written already so
that's an easy step to take and could be done first as a proof of concept.
A 'firewall' role could be easily created and only support 'ferm' for now,
that we can update all playbooks in anticipation for the new 'firewalld'
and/or 'ufw' roles. For the webserver we could do the same, but the
role would have to be upgraded to support similar functionality to the
'nginx' role, not to mention that both probably should be rewritten from
scratch with current configuration models in mind.
But before I start messing around in the actual code, a question: is this
overengineering? Am I going too far with this? All the trouble comes from the
fact that DebOps roles are written with separation of concerns in mind, and
pass the configuration for dependent roles via variables instead of directly
messing with the services. It seems that this approach is not really common
in the Ansible world outside of DebOps. Most of the time role creators write
example configuration for a given role in the documentation and let the users
deal with it on their own... But usually these roles focus on working with
multiple Linux distributions. DebOps went essentially in an opposite
direction, with focus on a single Linux distribution (Debian), but with the
intention to provide as much support in that space as possible.
An alternative approach would be to rip out the "glue" from the roles and
playbooks and let the users deal with combining separate services together
themselves. That would move the problem outside of Ansible in a way.
Eventually we could deal with this via the rewritten 'debops' scripts which
could manage the inventory for the users and combine different setups to
generate playbooks for Ansible to use. This would let us deal with the
complexity using a normal programming language (Python) instead of going with
it through Ansible and its DSL. But we are a long way from that.
Let me know what your thoughts are on the subject.
-- Maciej